
Work in Progress

Simon Bornschier, Lukas Haffert, Silja Häusermann, Marco Steenbergen and Delia Zollinger: "Identity Formation between Structure and Agency – How ‘Us’ and ‘Them’ Relates to Voting Behavior in Contexts of Electoral Realignment," Presented at various conferences and workshops. Latest version presented at the ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck, August 2022.

Simon Bornschier and Manuel Vogt: "Resistance Against Mining in Latin America: Between Institutions and Protest," Paper prepared for the Annual Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association (SVPW/ASSP) 4-5 February 2021.

Simon Bornschier: "The Causes and Consequences of Populism: Programmatic Representation Before and After the “Left Turn” in Latin America," Current version of a paper I presented at various conferences and workshops.

Simon Bornschier: "How do Regime Divides Emerge and What Happens When They Fade? Evidence from South America," Paper presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), August 29-September 1, Washington, D.C. and revised for the ECPR Virtual General Conference 30 August – 3 September 2021..


Simon Bornschier (2024): "Polarization, Political Cleavages, and Elites in Old and New Democracies," in: Mass-Elite Representation Gap in Old and New Democracies. Critical Junctures and Elite Agency, edited by Jaemin Shim. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 115-143.

Simon Bornschier, Manuel Vogt (2024): "The Politics of Extractivism: Mining, Institutional Responsiveness, and Social Resistance," World Development 176 – open access.


Silja Häusermann, Simon Bornschier (2023): "Democratic Conflict and Polarization: Healthy or Harmful?" UBS Center Public Paper #14, November 2023.


Simon Bornschier, Silja Häusermann, Delia Zollinger und Céline Colombo (2021): "How “Us” and “Them” Relates to Voting Behavior — Social Structure, Social Identities, and Electoral Choice." Comparative Political Studies 54(12), 2087-2122.


Simon Bornschier (2020): "Combining Deductive and Inductive Elements to Measure Party System Responsiveness in Challenging Contexts: An Approach with Evidence from Latin America," European Political Science 19, 540-549.


Simon Bornschier (2019): "Historical Polarization and Representation in South American Party Systems, 1900–1990," British Journal of Political Science 49(1), 153-179.


Populist Success in Latin America and Western EuropeSimon Bornschier (2018): "Populist Success in Latin America and Western Europe: Ideational and Party-System-Centered Explanations," In: The Ideational Approach to Populism. Concept, Theory, and Analysis, edited by Kirk A. Hawkins, Ryan E. Carlin, Levente Littvay, and Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser. Abingdon: Routledge, 202–237.

The Oxford Handbook of the Radical RightSimon Bornschier (2018): "Globalization, Cleavages, and the Radical Right," In: The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right, edited by Jens Rydgren. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 212-238.


SPSR - Volume 23, Issue 4 - Special Issue: Populist Mobilization Across Time and SpaceSimon Bornschier (2017): "Populist Mobilization Across Time and Space," Swiss Political Science Review, 23(4), 301-542.

Simon Bornschier (2017): "Populist Mobilization Across Time and Space: An Introduction," Swiss Political Science Review 23(4), 301–312.


Simon Bornschier (2015): "The New Cultural Conflict, Polarization, and Representation in the Swiss Party System, 1975–2011," Swiss Political Science Review 21 (4), 680–701.

Simon Bornschier (2015): "Trayectorias históricas y responsiveness del sistema de partidos en siete países de América Latina," América Latina Hoy 65 (diciembre), 45-77.

Simon Bornschier (2015): "The new cultural divide and the two-dimensional space in Western Europe," West European Politics 33(3), 419–444.


Simon Bornschier (2013): "Review of Mabel Berezin (2009), “Illiberal Politics in Neoliberal Times: Culture, Security and Populism in the New Europe”, New York: Cambridge University Press," In: Perspectives on Politics, 11(1), 229-231.

Simon Bornschier (2013): "Review of Sarah Nicolet and Pascal Sciarini (editors, 2010), “Le destin electoral de la gauche. Le vote socialiste et vert en Suisse”, Chêne-Bourg: George Editeur," In: Swiss Political Science Review, 19(1), 108-110.


Class Politics and the Radical RightSimon Bornschier and Hanspeter Kriesi (2012): "The populist right, the working class, and the changing face of class politics," In J. Rydgren (Ed.), Class Politics and the Radical Right. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 10-29.

Simon Bornschier (2012): "Why a right-wing populist party emerged in France but not in Germany: cleavages and actors in the formation of a new cultural divide," European Political Science Review 4(1), 121-145.


Cultural Diversity, European Identity and the Legitimacy of the EUSimon Bornschier (2011): "National Political Conflict and Identity Formation: The Diverse Nature of the Threat from the Extreme Left and the Extreme Populist Right," In: Dieter Fuchs and Hans-Dieter Klingemann (eds.), Cultural Diversity, European Identity and the Legitimacy of the EU. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.


Cleavage Politics and the Populist RightSimon Bornschier (2010): Cleavage Politics and the Populist Right. The New Cultural Conflict in Western Europe. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Value Change in SwitzerlandSimon Bornschier (2010): "Integrating the Defense of Traditional Communities into the Libertarian-Authoritarian Divide: The Role of the Swiss People's Party in the Redefinition of Cultural Conflicts," In: Simon Hug and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.), Value Change in Switzerland. Lenham: Lexington, 121-141.


Simon Bornschier (2009): "Cleavage Politics in Old and New Democracies," Living Reviews in Democracy Vol. 1.

Simon Bornschier and Romain Lachat (2009): "The evolution of the French political space and party system," West European Politics 32(2), 360-383.


West European Politics in the Age of GlobalizationSimon Bornschier (2008): "France – the model case of party system transformation," In: Hanspeter Kriesi, Edgar Grande, Romain Lachat, Martin Dolezal, Simon Bornschier, and Tim Frey, West European Politics in the Age of Globalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 77-104.

West European Politics in the Age of GlobalizationSimon Bornschier, Hanspeter Kriesi, Edgar Grande, Romain Lachat, Martin Dolezal and Tim Frey (2008): West European Politics in the Age of Globalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Demokratie, Sozialstruktur und Parteiensysteme in LateinamerikaSimon Bornschier (2008): Demokratie, Sozialstruktur und Parteiensysteme in Lateinamerika. Brasilien in vergleichender Perspektive. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag.


Simon Bornschier, Hanspeter Kriesi, Edgar Grande, Romain Lachat, Martin Dolezal and Tim Frey (2006): "Globalization and the transformation of the national political space: six European countries compared," European Journal of Political Research 45(6), 921-956.


Der Aufstieg der SVP : Acht Kantone im VergleichSimon Bornschier and Marc Helbling (2005): "Stabilität und Wandel von Parteiensystemen und die Konfliktlinie zwischen Öffnung und Abgrenzung: Der theoretische Ansatz," In: Hanspeter Kriesi, Peter Selb, Romain Lachat, Simon Bornschier, Marc Helbling (eds.), Der Aufstieg der SVP. Acht Kantone im Vergleich. Zürich: NZZ-Verlag, 11-40.

Der Aufstieg der SVP. Acht Kantone im VergleichSimon Bornschier, Hanspeter Kriesi, Peter Selb, Romain Lachat and Marc Helbling (2005): Der Aufstieg der SVP. Acht Kantone im Vergleich. Zürich: NZZ-Verlag.

Simon Bornschier (2005): "Unis dans l'opposition à la mondialisation? Une analyse de la convergence programmatique des partis populistes de droite en Europe," Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée 12(4), 415-432.


Simon Bornschier and Silja Häusermann (2004): "Review of Giuliano Bonoli and Martin Powell (editors, 2004). Social Democratic Party Policies in Contemporary Europe, London: Routledge," In: Swiss Political Science Review, 10(4), 213-217.

Publications by